Tiny Habits: The elements of behavior


word meaning word meaning
converge 汇合,相交 elliptical strider 椭圆机
stride 跨步 heart-wrenching heartbreaking
fundraiser 筹款人 dubious 半信半疑的
account for 解释说明 regimen 养生之道
on the flip side 另一方面less positive side banister 栏杆扶手
pedal 脚踏板 drastically 彻底地,激烈地
unicycle 单轮脚踏车 kick off 开始, 发起
stack the paper 整理一叠 nightstand 床头柜
leap 跳跃 pluck 拔,扯
vortex 旋涡 binge 狂欢,放纵
engrave 雕刻,铭记 bench-press 卧推
headstone 墓碑 plot 密谋,制定
annoyance 烦恼,打扰 wired in (brain) 深深嵌入,习惯于
be wired to
dial (可以调节或调整的因素)调节 adrenaline 肾上腺素
impair 削弱,损害 dip 下沉
low-hanging fruit 容易实现的目标 bureau 书桌,办公室,办事处
prong 部分a two-pronged campaign/solution tinker 小修改
short-circuit 绕过、快速阻止(行为) iron grip 铁腕统治
playful 幽默的 reciprocity 互惠互利
attest 证明 tension 冲突
corrosive 有害的 disinfect 杀菌消毒
hypervigilant 敏感,警惕的 squeegee 橡胶刮水刷
rack 架子 shuffle 拖着脚走
theatrical 戏剧性的,表演的 impose 强制推行~ penalty/tax/values
tardy 行动缓慢的 fuss 烦忧
stomp 跺脚 save some grief 省掉麻烦
make a comment about rewind 倒回
undermine 破坏,削弱 binge 狂欢放纵~ watch/ ~ drink
avid 狂热的 strenuous 费力的~ exercise
blockage 阻塞物 self-loathing 自我厌恶
zero in on sth 瞄准,聚焦于 stumble on 碰巧发现
solitary 单独的 nag 唠叨,使烦恼

Key Points

When MAP converge at the same moment.

  • M: Motivation, desire, do you want to do this?
  • A: Ability, capacity, is it easy to complete this?
  • P: Prompt, cue to do the behavior, what trigger you to do this?

We use Fogg Behavior Model.

  • A behavior happens when it is prompted above the Action Line.
  • More motivated, more likely to do the behavior.
  • Easier to do, more likely to do.
  • A behavior becomes easier to do when repeated.
    Fogg Behavior Model

No prompt, no behavior, no matter what levels of motivation and ability.
Fogg Behavior Model with Prompt

  1. If there’s a prompt
  2. If the person has the ability
  3. If the person is motivated
    Why do we use this order?
  • It will stops you from blaming yourself on lack of willpower or motivation.

We can use this behavior model to analyze our or other’s behaviors.

练习 #1: 找出戒掉坏习惯的路子

  1. 写下3个想要戒掉的坏习惯。
  2. 尝试给每个习惯想出一个移除信号的方法。
  3. 尝试让每个习惯变得更难实现。
  4. 尝试减少这个坏习惯的动力、想法。
  5. 选出每个坏习惯的最好的解决方案。
  6. 根据解决方案行动。
坏习惯 移除信号 更难完成 减少动力
早上起床晚 ✅听到铃声拉开窗帘 前一天十二点前睡觉
晚上熬夜玩手机 ✅躺下打开播客 晚上手机放远❌我想听播客睡觉

九点后吃夜宵 零食规整到抽屉里 吃过晚饭就刷牙

Tiny Habits: The elements of behavior